At Cooyar State School, our school's success is based on:
A strong focus on literacy and numeracy delivered through highly structured Reading and Mathematics programs that ensure our students have the necessary skills to participate in all aspects of learning
Relevant, interesting and engaging curriculum that broaden our students’ experiences in Science, HASS (Humanities & Social Sciences), Health and Physical Education (HPE), The Arts, Technologies and Languages (Japanese)
Genuine integration of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) into units of work and a commitment to keep pace with interactive technologies
A hold on traditional values such as high expectations, strong discipline, respect and pride in our school
A team approach to planning curriculum and teaching to ensure consistency in what is being taught and the standards expected
Mission statement
The mission of our school is to develop the potential of each child, so that through education the child will be able to confidently meet challenges of the future.
School vision
At Cooyar State School we value:
Respect for ourselves and others as individuals
A desire to learn
Excellence in teaching and learning
Parent participation and support within the school
- The basic skills and experiences which allow a child to achieve success and cope with challenges
At Cooyar State School we believe that:
Every child is an individual
Individual needs and varying learning styles are catered for through supportive, stimulating and inviting learning
Education is a life long process
Education is a partnership in which all members of the school community are involved
Genuine care and concern for the individual promotes learning
Every child has individual needs which can be fulfilled through education
A rich variety of effective teaching practices emphasising ‘hands on’ experiences, thoughtful discussion and precise recording promotes success in learning
The community is a valuable resource which should be fully utilised and kept well informed
All individuals should have the opportunity for informed decision making
All of our students matter, every day, and every student can succeed.