The Cooyar State School rules are:
- Be Safe
- Be Responsible
- Be an Active Learner
Read our Student Code of Conduct in Forms and Documents for more information about how behaviour is managed by Cooyar State School.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
What is PBL?
PBL is a school-wide behaviour support initiative for all students. In PBL specific behaviours, expectations and consequences are taught to all students to ensure a proactive approach to managing student behaviour. In PBL the focus is on achieving and maintaining positive behaviours, interactions and relationships.
How does it work?
PBL is about creating predictable environments that are effective for achieving social and academic goals. The key to PBL is prevention. Students are taught what is expected. A consistent set of rules and expectations are applied and positive behaviour is rewarded. The majority of students who follow this method are successful. At Cooyar the lesson for the week is introduced on parade and we encourage parents to attend so they are informed and can be part of the process.
Why does Cooyar State School use PBL?
PBL has been operating in the United States for several decades and nearly a decade here in Australia. Research has shown that PBL allows schools to recover thousands of hours of instructional time and, on average, four days of student instruction a year.
What about students who are disruptive?
At Cooyar State School there is a documented discipline system that is integrated with the school’s Student Code of Conduct. When problem behaviour occurs, students are provided a full continuum of support. If the problem persists, further support is applied. Most problems are the result of a behavioural or academic issue; properly addressing the root of this can prevent further behavioural issues.
How can parents be involved?
Parents are integral to PBL being successful. We encourage parents to use the same rules and expectations as the school which results in a common language and unified approach. Contact is made by phone or through the child’s KIT Book to keep parent/s informed of any incidents. We encourage parents to contact the school to discuss any concerns. We hope parents discuss the rules and expectations at home with their children which assists in creating a consistent and predictable environment.
How does Classroom and Playground Levels of Discipline work?
In the classroom we operate a Four step system for poor choices. Students on the Third Step go to an Office Disciplinary Referral (ODR) unless the behaviour requires an immediate ODR. A level is given for a minor behaviour as per the table of Major and Minor behaviours displayed in each classroom. At a Level Four (ODR) the referral form is completed, parent contact is made and this is the first phase of the ODR Stages of Discipline. The teacher will also assign a consequence for the behaviour. The next day, each student starts the day afresh on no levels. If the behaviour continues and the student moves to Level 4 immediate parent contact is made and a major consequence is applied.
The same process applies to the playground although with fewer levels. If a student reaches a Level Three over a period of a week they will receive an ODR.
The ODR Stages of Discipline increases in its intensity of support as more ODRs are attained. The approach outlines consistent communication with parents and progressive provisions that aim to reduce the likelihood of further adverse behaviour occurring and increase the student’s opportunities to attain success.
What can I do to help my child stay on the path of positive behaviour?
- Review the core values of: Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be an Active Learner regularly with your child
- Ask your child about his/her day at school every day
- Make sure your child is ready for school:
- Have they had a good night’s sleep?
- Have they completed their homework/reading is it in their bag with their KIT Book?
- Do they have all of their materials ready?
- Have they eaten a nutritious breakfast?
- Are they in school uniform?
- Are they on time?
- Show interest and provide quiet time for homework after school
- Practice using positive language with your child and model using manners at home
- Be visible in your child’s school life. Attend meetings and other school activities where possible
- Keep in regular touch with your child’s teacher
Cooyar Cash
At Cooyar we acknowledge the great work and behaviour of our students with paper tokens imitation Australian currency called ‘Cooyar Cash’. Different coloured cash denoted different values. Students’ accumulate 'Cooyar Cash' notes and then they trade for higher denominations.
Denominations used; 41 dollar $5 dollar
$10 dollar $20 dollar
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$50 dollar $100 dollar
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This cash can be used as tender to purchase from the School’s Rewards Shop. The shop Reward Suite is regularly updated. Some items are available each week whilst other big ticket items are offered once or twice a term.